I have fungus on my feet... what should I do?

What does foot fungus look like Even avid mushroom pickers won't be happy to find fungus on their feet. This is understandable: as a rule, this disease does not cause any discomfort, but it causes deformation of the feet and nails, making going to the beach or simply wearing open-toed shoes a forbidden fruit.If you experience itching and pain, if you have difficulty walking, it's no joke. Additionally: When actively multiplying, the fungus releases toxic substances into the bloodstream that can adversely affect human health and may cause severe allergic reactions, including Kunkel's edema.Therefore, mycosis, as this disease is called, must be treated, preferably in its initial stages before tiny fungi turn your feet into "real estate".

Mycelium on legs: how to identify it?

This disease affects the skin and nails of the feet. Depending on the type of fungus attacking your feet, symptoms may vary:
  • The skin on the feet becomes red, enlarges in area and begins to peel off. Usually the disease occurs in one leg, but if left untreated, it can spread to the other leg.
  • Small bubbles with a diameter of 2 to 8 mm appear in the arch of the foot. These bubbles gradually become larger, fuse together, and eventually burst, causing erosion. The affected skin becomes itchy, and the fungus can spread to the soles or tops of the feet. Sometimes a bacterial infection is added to the fungal infection, and then the contents of the blister turn into pus, and the patient complains of severe pain and general discomfort.
  • The fungus "settles" between the toes, causing painful cracks to form that increase in size over time. The patient had difficulty stepping on his foot and experienced severe pain. Erosions, ulcers, and swelling may occur. In advanced cases, patients' temperatures rise and their condition worsens.
  • Fungus can affect nails, causing them to become deformed, thickened or thinned, brittle, discolored, and ingrown. If fungal disease goes untreated for a long time, your nails may never return to their original appearance, leaving you without the chance to show off a pedicure for the rest of your life.
Often, several types of fungi are found on the feet at the same time, so the symptoms of the disease are mixed.

What should you do if you encounter fungus? What not to do?

Usually, a person knows he or she has fungal disease when he or she feels itching or sees redness on the skin. But not everyone makes the right decision and consults a doctor. To this day, they are still trying to use folk remedies to treat the fungus, but this is likely to have little effect and may even cause harm.What will the doctor do? He will determine which type of fungus is affecting you and prescribe medication appropriate for the condition. Trying to follow your grandma's advice to cope with misfortune in your family can easily waste precious time and set your feet in a state of sadness.Fungal disease is also dangerous because it can stay with a person for many years, periodically resolving and instilling false hope in the person that the foot is free of the fungus. However, after a while, the disease will show its characteristics again, the body will continue to be infected with fungal waste, and the legs will take on an increasingly unsightly appearance.

How do you get a fungal infection?

The disease spreads from person to person.

Most susceptible to fungal diseases:

  • Immunocompromised people;
  • People with damaged skin on their feet (after an unsuccessful pedicure, injury or excessive force during hygiene);
  • Wearing wet socks or shoes (especially in hot weather or when wearing winter shoes in a warm room);
  • Not taking foot and nail hygiene seriously.
All these factors provide a suitable environment for the growth of fungi.

How do fungal diseases "attack" a person?

  • Through soil or floor coverings that someone with a fungal infection walks on. Therefore, you should not walk barefoot in unfamiliar places or even at home. Sun-warmed beach sand or pebbles are actually safe, and seawater is an excellent way to prevent fungal diseases.
  • The risk of infection in swimming pools, saunas, showers, etc. in public places and hotels is very high. Don't forget to bring special shoes with you.
  • Don't wear shoes that other people have owned: It doesn't matter whether you want to buy them at a second-hand store or just try on a friend's shoes and evaluate how they look on you.
  • Do not use other people's hygiene products - washcloths, washcloths, etc. Check disposable hotel slippers carefully to make sure you get a brand new pair.
Fungal spores can survive for years, so you can never be sure whether the surface you decide to walk on or someone else's shoes is safe.

Fungus Free: We Treat Fungal Diseases

Experts at a specialty clinic will conduct a series of studies to determine the type of fungus affecting your feet and develop a treatment plan.You will receive medical treatment with modern antifungal drugs, and you must adhere to the dosage and duration of the prescribed medication. Do not interrupt the course of treatment if you think the fungal disease has been defeated - it is likely that it has simply subsided for a while.As an additional remedy, your doctor may recommend topical ointments or creams. There are varnishes specifically designed to treat nails. If you follow all the recommendations, the fungus will be gone for good.The contagiousness of fungal diseases also needs to be considered. During treatment, you need to protect family and friends from infection. for this:
  • Wash your feet with products recommended by your doctor. After completing the sanitation procedure, clean the tub thoroughly.
  • Walk around the house in closed slippers.
  • Wash your clothes separately, treat your shoes with an antifungal, and change your socks several times a day to prevent sweaty feet.
  • The apartment is ventilated and wet cleaned daily.
  • After treatment is complete, throw away shoes, socks, towels, and washcloths that were used during your illness.

Prevention: No fungal disease!

Fungal disease is an unpleasant disease, but it can be completely avoided. Just follow some simple rules:
  • Wash your feet regularly and thoroughly, but do not use excessive force (so as not to damage your skin and nails);
  • Shoes – your own only;
  • Pedicures - may only be performed using your own tools or in a salon that complies with all regulations and rules;
  • Wet or sweaty feet are your enemy, change into dry shoes immediately;
  • Socks – clean only;
  • Walking barefoot is prohibited except on the coast;
  • Monitor your health and adhere to your daily habits—fungus can be dangerous to a weakened body.
For those who take care of their feet, even contact of fungal spores with the skin will not lead to any consequences: "parasites" simply cannot grow in unsuitable conditions.What should I do if I develop fungal disease on my feet? Without further ado, make an appointment with a dermatologist at a professional clinic and you’ll be back to your usual brisk gait in no time.