Get rid of fungus between your toes: the best way to beat fungal disease

The skin between the toes on the toes often becomes infected with fungi. This problem is common among people with active lifestyles and can be quite troublesome and unpleasant. Considering the high relevance of foot mycoses, more attention should be paid.

Causes of itching and peeling of interdigital folds

fungus between toesItchy and peeling toes are caused by various pathological processes (allergic reactions, scabies, eczema), but for many people this symptom is caused by a fungal infection. Podiatry, in which the epithelium becomes wet and ruptures, is a separate nosology in dermatology. It is caused by a pathogenic fungus that affects smooth skin and nail plates. Infections are caused by a variety of pathogens:
  • Trichophyton (T. rubrum, T. interdigitale, T. violaceum).
  • Epidermophyton (E. floccosum).
  • Mold.
Fungal diseases are contagious diseases that are spread from person to person in places with high humidity (bathrooms, saunas, swimming pools, beaches) through infected shoes, carpets, benches, etc. Fungal spores are found in the horny scales of the fungus. Epidermis, and are transferred accordingly.

Predisposing factors

Many local and systemic factors can cause skin damage and increase the likelihood of fungal infections developing between the fingers. The first includes the following:
  • Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis).
  • Incorrect shoe selection (uncomfortable, made of synthetic material).
  • Anatomical features of the foot (flat feet, tight folds).
  • Bruising and diaper rash are present.
  • Damage (mechanical damage, chemical damage).
The effects of systemic disease may be explained by reduced skin barrier resistance and weakened immune defenses. Neurotrophic, vascular and endocrine-metabolic diseases (polyneuropathies, vasculopathies, atherosclerosis, diabetes, vitamin deficiencies) can have a negative impact. Additionally, the role of meteorological conditions (high temperature and humidity) and pathogen virulence was noted.
Podomycoses, skin lesions between the toes, are caused by fungi and occur in the context of local or systemic disease.

What does mycosis look like?

Fungal skin infection on toesMycosis begins in the skin of the interdigital folds, but then spreads to other parts of the foot - the soles, back and sides. In clinical practice, fungal infections take the following forms:
  • Squamous.
  • rub against each other.
  • Sweating disorders.
The scaly form begins with mild redness and mild peeling. They may be limited to certain areas or become widespread. This form is often overlooked by the patients themselves and is therefore the most dangerous from an epidemiological point of view. Initially, the fungus affects one foot, but later it can spread to the healthy side.As the disease progresses, the squamous form can transform into the dyshidrotic form, which is characterized by an acute course with body irritation and the formation of blisters on the arches of the feet. They fuse together to form multilocular vesicles that open to leave foci of erosion surrounded by edges of exfoliated epidermis. Spreading to the sides of the foot, the process is combined with an intertriginous form. As epithelialization occurs, these areas dry out and become squamous again.Fungal infections are often accompanied by itching. It arises from the most common form of interdigital folds - intertriginous folds, occurring independently or in the context of squamous folds. Typically the process begins between the IV and V (less commonly III and IV) toes. Cracks appeared there, surrounded by edges of peeling skin. The fungus can spread to other folds, fingers and insteps. Later, tearing and painful erosions develop.The disease is characterized by a long course and periodic exacerbations during warm seasons. Bacterial flora are more likely to penetrate the loose epidermal stratum corneum, so streptococcal infection may lead to intertriginous complications and the development of erysipelas and thrombophlebitis.
Lesions of the interdigital space often occur simultaneously with other forms of podiatry, suggesting the unity of the pathological process.


The disease has fairly characteristic clinical manifestations, so the initial diagnosis is based on physical examination findings. To identify the pathogen, scrapings from the affected skin are examined and cultured using a microscope. The presence of systemic pathology leading to the development of mycoses is confirmed by other methods - biochemical blood tests (glycemia, hormonal profile, immunogram), ultrasound of the lower limbs, etc.

How to Treat Sores?

Apply ointmentTo effectively eliminate the fungus, you must first eliminate the conditions that create favorable conditions for its growth. If your feet are itchy and sore, here are some tips:
  • Wear comfortable, breathable shoes.
  • Wear cotton socks.
  • Dry your feet after showering and bathing.
  • Use personal slippers in public places.
When treating fungal diseases of the feet, it is necessary to pay attention to giving up bad habits, eating a healthy diet (reducing animal fats, sweets, including fresh vegetables, fruits, lactic acid products in the diet), hardening.In addition to general recommendations focused on treatment and prevention, traditional medicine actively uses medicinal corrections, without which cure of fungal diseases is impossible. Treatment can be external or systemic.

Effective creams and ointments

It is necessary to use specific medications for toe fungus to fight the infection. For squamous cell carcinoma, doctors prescribe a variety of creams and ointments, including various antifungals. If you have dense hyperkeratotic lesions on the soles of your feet, treatment should begin with an exfoliation procedure using salicylic acid, lactic acid, resorcinol, and collodion. At night, place topical medication under the bandage. It contains salicylic acid, which has anti-inflammatory, keratolytic and antiseptic properties. Use a soap and soda bath in the morning, after which the cuticles will be better removed.

If your skin becomes wet and cracks

Using ointments to treat fungal skin disease on the toesExternal treatment of forms of dyshidrosis accompanied by tearing and cracking begins with boric acid and potassium permanganate lotions. Treat the interdigital space with a solution of aniline dye, a topical product used to treat a variety of skin conditions. The solution contains ingredients that promote rapid wound healing, eliminate inflammatory manifestations and fight pathogenic microorganisms. After eliminating the acute inflammatory process, antifungal ointments and pastes are applied to the affected area. For secondary pyoderma, drugs with antibacterial ingredients are prescribed.
If fungal lesions develop on the skin of the feet, external treatment with antifungals, antiseptics, and antibiotics is essential.


If topical medications are ineffective, internal medications may need to be used instead. Prescribed antifungal medications include antifungal medications, antifungal medications that have broad-spectrum action against fungi that cause skin, hair, and nail disorders, medications to treat fungal infections, and antifungal medications. Antihistamines (an antihistamine drug used to treat allergic reactions) and desensitizers (calcium gluconate, sodium thiosulfate, magnesium sulfate) are used when the body is allergic. Streptococcal infections can be cured with antibiotics that have no activating effect on the microbial flora.

What can be done with folk remedies?

Some traditional medicine methods can supplement standard treatments. To treat foot fungus, simple and affordable treatments are often used for bathing:
  • Apple cider vinegar (1 cup per 3 liters of hot water) and club soda (5 tablespoons).
  • Potassium permanganate (1 g/2 liters).
  • Calendula soup (250g/2L).
It is recommended to soak the feet in the prepared solution for 20 minutes. Alternatively, put a drop of tea tree oil on the skin between your toes and put on cotton socks.Fungus between the toes is a problem that affects many people. In order to get rid of it as quickly as possible, you should not look for possible solutions on your own; it is better to consult a doctor and receive diagnosis and treatment for guaranteed results.